Monday, October 26, 2015

What uh, what is this?

I've been having a lot of trouble writing this blog. I have a lot of trouble writing in general. I think one of my biggest problems in general is not knowing who to address. So. I think I'm going to pretend that each blog post is me explaining this to my mother. my mother's scarce knowledge of both bluegrass and video games really makes her the perfect audience for a blog explaining a full length bluegrass cover album of songs from the Legend of Zelda. Which is what this is. By the way...

Hi Mom,

You know how you asked if I was doing any projects of my own yet? Well I've been working on this thing for awhile now that I'm really excited about. Those games I used to play all the time actually had really great music written for them. A few years ago, just for fun, i learned some of the songs on the mandolin. Like a particularly nerdy party trick. Some of them seemed cool and I had thought about one day maybe putting one on a CD or something. But about a year ago I thought "Why don't I just do a whole album of these songs". So I started trying to make it happen. I decided to do songs from one franchise I enjoyed in particular "The Legend of Zelda". It's the one with swords and castles and fairies and a wolf that one time. The music is really something special and a lot of those early songs I learned are from those games. I've been working on it for about a year now and have made. some progress. It was a situation where I learned from my mistakes. I'd never tried to organize something from the ground up like this and probably the biggest problem i ran into was managing other people. i have enough time managing my schedule and I do it almost entirely by tricking my brain into making responsible choices. This maneuver is much more difficult to use on other people. But it's getting there. I have a lot of the music written out. Ellie, the girl playing fiddle in our band is helping me transcribe and is going to do the fiddle parts. I have some wheels turning to get everything to line up and I'll keep you updated on how it's going.

Ok. I love you. Sorry I don't call more. 


P.S. Did you take those shoes to the cobbler yet? It's ok if you didn't but if he can get all the dust out of the suede it'd be cool. I liked those shoes. probably won't take them hiking again though.

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